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Invisible Sentinel | Save time and resources with multi-purpose autoclave labels

Learn how Invisible Sentinel streamlined their processes and reduced resource use with multi-purpose autoclave labels from CleanMark.

Customer overview

Invisible Sentinel Inc. specializes in developing microbial detection tools for food and beverage manufacturers and third-party testing labs. The work that they do keeps us safe by detecting contaminants and ensures quality of the products that we buy on a daily basis.

Time consuming multi-label autoclave process

As a part of their manufacturing process, Invisible Sentinel stores different types of liquid media inside polypropylene bottles. These bottles (and media within) undergo an autoclave sterilization process. Dominic Falance, director of manufacturing at Invisible Sentinel, wanted to introduce a better way to distinguish the difference between each type of media by integrating a color-coded labeling system to the bottles. After searching online, he found CleanMark and brought his ideas forward so we could bring them to life.

One main challenge that Invisible Sentinel faced was finding a label manufacturer who could produce custom sized labels in small quantities. Also, their existing method for showing proof of sterilization included applying and removing autoclave indicating tape to the bottles in addition to a separate product label.

Dominic preferred to switch to integrated autoclave labels that would serve both functions simultaneously. Each label was to be assigned its own color to specify 12 different types of media. After the autoclave process was complete, the label must be removed but one challenge still remained: how would they be able to distinguish which media was inside each bottle?

Multi-purpose autoclave labels

With Dominic’s idea, CleanMark created a separate outer-ring label, each with a matching color that correlated to the previous autoclave indicating label (see photo). Once the initial label was removed, their manufacturing team could now easily determine the corresponding media.

Dominic’s ideas helped CleanMark’s engineers to select the proper materials needed for each unique label. The outer ring label needed an aggressive permanent adhesive that would last while the autoclave indicating label needed a material-plus-adhesive combination that could be easily removed within three to five days.

What’s more: part of Invisible Sentinel’s manufacturing process involved placing these bottles (and labels) through a vigorous laboratory wash machine cycle. This particular wash cycle would expose the labels to harsh chemicals such as IPA & Lancer-acid. It was critical that CleanMark could produce chemical-resistant autoclave labels that would survive all aspects of this process while maintaining their integrity, legibility, and color.

After a round of free material sampling, Dominic was able to evaluate the performance of CleanMark’s recommended labels on the bottles, through the autoclave sterilization process, and through the lab wash cycle.

“CleanMark was able to help us bring a rough idea to fruition at a very competitive cost. Their expertise with labels made the process very simple as they guided us through everything.”

— Dominic Falance, director of manufacturing at Invisible Sentinel

Custom autoclave labels that save time and resources

With an understanding of Invisible Sentinel’s goals, CleanMark was able to develop a custom labeling system that served several purposes while saving them money. This also simplified their existing process by removing the need for separately applying and removing autoclave indicating tape. Now Invisible Sentinel has a go-to resource that they trust for their label needs.

Looking for more detailed information?

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